Australia's Biggest Morning Tea


Register to host a Biggest Morning Tea in 2024!

Looking forward to hosting a Biggest Morning Tea this year? Pre-register now and we'll be in touch with everything you need.

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea is a community event that raises vital funds to make a big difference for those impacted by cancer.


1. Pre register to host

Pre register to host your very own Biggest Morning Tea and we'll help you with everything you need to make things easy-teasy!

Join over 500,000 hosts who have come together over the last 30 years to make a difference to Australians affected by cancer. 

2. Choose a date

The official date is Thursday, 23th May 2024, but you can register to host a Biggest Morning Tea anytime that suits you throughout May or June.

Once your date is set, start planning your tea and send out your invites. You’ll find heaps of resources in your online fundraising hub to make everything easy no matter what kind of morning tea you choose.

3. Make it personal

Sadly, all of us will be impacted by cancer at some point in our lives, and this is exactly what inspires so many of our supporters to host a Biggest Morning Tea.

Each morning tea is as unique as the stories behind it, so make yours personal this year and host your way. And when you do, just know that every cuppa is making a life-changing difference to those affected by cancer.